In this post, you will learn how to say ‘how are you?’ in Ukrainian. You’ll also learn common responses so you can respond if you’re asked this question. This can be really useful if you’re speaking with someone from Ukraine or if you’re travelling there.
Ukrainian is an East Slavic language spoken in Ukraine. There are approximately 40 million speakers of Ukrainian.
Table of Contents
How To Say ‘How Are You?’ In Ukrainian
The most common way to say ‘how are you?’ in Ukraine is:
How are you? | Як справи? | Yak spravy? |
Practice this simple phrase!
How To Respond To ‘How Are You?’ In Ukrainian
There are many different ways that you can reply to this question. Below are the most common responses to this question. I’ve also included how to say ‘thank you’ as it’s polite to thank someone if they ask how you are.
Thank you | Дякую | Da-ku-yu |
I’m fine | Добре | Dobre |
I’m very good/fantastic | Дуже добре | Duzhe dobre |
I’m not good | Не дуже | Ne du-zhe |
I’m sick | Я захворів | Yah za-khvo-riv |
Check out the below video to hear the pronunciation from a native speaker:
This video is also really helpful to learn the pronunciation of some of the responses listed above:
It’s also useful to know how to say ‘and you?’ or ‘what about you?’ to find out how someone else is if they ask you.
And you? | А в тебе? | A v te-be? |
Example Conversation:
Person 1: Yak spravy? (How are you?)
Person 2: Dobre, da-ku-yu. Yak spravy? (I’m good, thank you. How are you?)
Person 1: Dobre. (I’m good)
Thanks for reading this post.
You should now know how to say ‘how are you?’ in Ukrainian and you should also be able to respond if you’re asked!
You can’t go wrong with these simple phrases.
Increase your vocabulary further by learning the country names in Ukrainian.
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