Wondering how to say ‘I love you’ in Azeri? You’re in the right place.
Saying ‘I love you’ can be both scary and exciting and even more so in a new language!
If you want to know how to say ‘I love you’ and other romantic phrases in Azeri, then read on.
Table of Contents
How To Say ‘I Love You’ In Azeri
To tell someone that you love them in Azeri, say:
I love you | Mən səni sevirəm |
This phrase is pronounced like ‘man sa-ni seh-vi-ram’.
Romantic Phrases & Terms of Endearment in Azeri
Try these other romantic phrases and terms of endearment including how to say ‘I miss you’ in Azeri.
Pronunciation note:
- ‘ə’ is pronounced with an ‘a’ sound like the ‘a’ in ‘cat’.
- ‘ı’ doesn’t have an English equivalent. It sounds like the ‘i’ in ‘cousin’ or the second ‘e’ in ‘legend’.
- ‘ş’ is pronounced as ‘sh’ like the ‘sh’ in ‘shout’.
- ‘ç’ is pronounced as ‘ch’ like the ‘ch’ in ‘charcoal’.
- ‘ü’ is pronounced with an ‘oo’ sound like the ‘u’ in ‘cute’.
- ‘ö’ is pronounced like an ‘o-e’ sound, there isn’t really an English equivalent. Start by saying an ‘o’ sound like the ‘o’ in ‘organ’ then an ‘e’ sound like the ‘e’ in ‘bread’. It sounds similar to the ‘ure’ in the word ‘cure’.
I love you so much | Mən səni çox sevirəm |
I love you too | Mən də səni sevirəm |
I miss you | Səninçün darıxmışam |
My lover | Sevgilim |
You are beautiful | Siz gözəl görünürsüz |
Sweetheart/my love | Canım |
Honey | Balım |
My everything | Hər şeyim |
I like you | Mənim sizdən xoşum gəlir |
You’re very special | Siz çox özəlsiniz |
Will you marry me? | Mənimlə evlənərsiniz? |
Another term of endearment you will often hear in Azeri is ‘ciyərim’ which literally means ‘my liver’. This may sound strange but it is commonly used in Azerbaijan so say it to someone you love.
These phrases should come in handy whether you’ve got a love interest from Azerbaijan or whether you’re just visiting and want to be prepared.
Why not also learn how to say ‘how are you?’ in Azeri? You’ll need this essential phrase in lots of different situations.
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