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How To Say ‘How Are You?’ In Norwegian & Common Responses

In this post, you will learn how to say ‘how are you?’ in Norwegian.

You’ll also learn common responses so you can respond if you’re asked this question.

This can be really useful if you’re speaking with someone from Norway or if you’re travelling there. 

Norwegian is a North Germanic language mainly spoken in Norway where it is an official language.

There are approximately 5.3 million speakers of Norwegian. It is closely related to both Swedish and Danish.

How To Say ‘How Are You?’ In Norwegian

There are a few different ways to ask ‘how are you?’. 

I’ve listed the most common ways to ask this question below. Click on the phrase to hear the pronunciation by a native speaker.

How are you?Hvordan har du det?Vordan har du deh?
How’s it going?Hvordan går det?Vordan gor deh?
How are you?Hvordan går det med deg?Vordan gor deh meh dai
What’s up?Hva skjer?Vah sh-air

You can also check out the below video to hear the pronunciation of some of these phrases by a native speaker:

We recommend the Pimsleur method to start speaking Norwegian TODAY. Click here, or the button below to get your FREE 7day trial for Norwegian.

How To Respond To ‘How Are You?’ In Norwegian

There are many different ways that you can reply to this question. Below are the most common responses to this question. I’ve also included how to say ‘thank you’ as it’s polite to thank someone if they ask how you are.

I’ve also included sound links where possible so you can hear the pronunciation.

Thank youTakkTak
I’m fineJeg har det braYai har deh bra
It’s going goodDet går braDeh gor bra
I’m not badJeg har det greitYai har deh graiy
I’m okayJeg er okYai er okay
I’m greatJeg har det supertYai har deh supert
I’m tiredJeg er trøttYai er trott
I feel illJeg føler meg dårligYai fer-ler mai door-leh

It’s also useful to know how to say ‘and you?’ or ‘what about you?’ to find out how someone else is if they ask you.

And you?Og du?O du

Check out the video below to hear the pronunciation of some of these phrases:

Example Conversation:

Person 1: Hvordan går det? (How’s it going?)

Person 2: Det går bra, takk. Og du? (It’s going good, thanks. And you?)

Person 1: Det går bra. (It’s going good).

Thanks for reading this post. 

You should now know how to say ‘how are you?’ in Norwegian and you should also be able to respond if you’re asked! 

You can’t go wrong with these simple phrases. 

Someone’s birthday coming up? Learn how to wish them a happy birthday in Norwegian.

Or if you wanna get really fancy then have a look at these Norwegian quotes.

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