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94 Norwegian Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs + Their Meanings

Norwegian people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.

I researched and found these proverbs and Norwegian quotes with translations to gain some insight into Norwegian beliefs and ways of thinking. 

Try and find your favourite quote from the list (my favourite quote from the list is number 57. )

Famous Norwegian Proverbs & Norwegian Sayings

Below I’ve listed the most famous Norwegian proverbs with English translation as well as some common Norwegian sayings. These are used often in day to day life.

  1. Man skal ikke skue hunden pÃ¥ hÃ¥rene – You shouldn’t judge a dog by its hairs.

This Norwegian proverb is similar to the English version ‘you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover’.

  1. Det er bedre Ã¥ gÃ¥ pÃ¥ isen enn i vannet – It’s better to walk in the ice than in the water.

This Norwegian saying means that tough things make you stronger.

Famous Norwegian saying which reads 'it's better to walk in the ice than in the water'.
  1. Gammel vane er vond ̴ vende РOld habits are difficult to turn.

This Norwegian saying means that it is hard to stop doing something that you have been doing for a long time. It’s like the English saying ‘old habits die hard’.

  1. Morgenstund har gull i munn – Morning time is gold in the mouth.

This Norwegian proverb teaches us that if you get up early then you can achieve more.

  1. Eplet faller ikke langt fra stammen – The apple doesn’t fall far from the trunk.

This Norwegian saying is the same as the English version ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ and means that children usually show the same traits as their parents.

  1. ​​Det finnes ikke dÃ¥rlig vær, bare dÃ¥rlige klær – There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.
  1. Den som ikke tar prøven, kommer til Ã¥ feile – He who does not take the test will fail.

This quote in Norwegian teaches us to take opportunities when they come or we will lose them forever.

  1. Like barn leker best – Similar children play best.

This proverb means that people with the same tastes and interests will often be found together. 

  1. Bedre sent enn aldri – Better late than never.
  1. Øving gjør mester – Practice makes perfect.
  1. N̴r katten er borte, danser musene p̴ bordet РWhen the cat is gone, the mice dance on the table.

This Norwegian quote means that when there is no leader to tell people what to do, they get nothing done.

  1. Jo flere kokker, jo mer søl – The more cooks, the more mess.

This Norwegian proverb is similar to the English version ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’.

It means that if too many people are involved in a task, it may not be done well.

  1. Bare bok gjør ingen klok – Just books makes nobody wise.

This famous Norwegian quote means that you can’t get experience through reading books. You need to go out into the world and experience things to become wise.

Famous Norwegian saying which reads 'just books makes nobody wise'.
  1. Ingen fisk uten bein – No fish without bones.

This Norwegian saying about life means that nothing in life comes easy.

  1. Den som vil være med pÃ¥ leken, mÃ¥ smake steken – The one who wants to join the game has to taste the steak.

This proverb in Norwegian means that you have to take responsibility for your actions.

  1. Ut p̴ tur, aldri sur РOut on a trip, never sulky.

This saying in Norwegian means that when you are out on a trip, you should never be grumpy.

  1. Smi mens jernet er varmt – Forge while the iron is hot.

This proverb is the same as the English version ‘strike whilst the iron is hot’. It means that you should take opportunities as they come or you will miss out.

Beautiful Norwegian Quotes & Norwegian Sayings 

Below I’ve listed a range of famous and inspirational Norwegian quotes with translation and more interesting Norwegian sayings.

  1. Aldri for sent Ã¥ snu – It’s never too late to turn around.
  1. Det spiller ingen rolle hvor sakte du gÃ¥r sÃ¥ lenge du ikke stopper – It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.
  1. Det finnes ingen snarveier til steder det er verdt ̴ resie til РThere are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going.
  1. Vær selv den forandring du ønsker Ã¥ se i verden – Be the change you want to see in the world.
  1. Gammal kjærleik rustar inkje – Old love does not rust.
  1. Den beste tiden ̴ plante et tre er for 20 ̴r siden, den nest beste tiden er n̴ РThe best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.
  1. Det er aldri sÃ¥ galt at det ikke er godt for noe – It’s never so bad that it’s not good for something.
  1. Smuler er ogsÃ¥ brød – Crumbs are also bread.

This Norwegian quote means that we should not ignore the little things in life as they are important.

Famous Norwegian quotes which reads 'crumbs are also bread'.
  1. Uansett hva sinnet kan tenke og tro, det kan oppn̴ РWhatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
  1. Aldri har man bare ̩n ulykke etter andre РNever does one have just one misfortune after another.
  1. Lykke er ikke noe som allerede eksisterer. Den skapes av dine egne handlinger – Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.
  1. ​​En fjær blir lett til fem høns – One feather can become five chickens. 

This Norwegian quote means that something that starts small can become something big.

  1. Du kan aldri krysse havet før du har motet til Ã¥ miste synet av kysten – You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  1. Det er bedre Ã¥ være den katten som gÃ¥r for seg sjøl enn den som stoler blindt pÃ¥ andre – It’s better to be the cat that walks on its own than the one who trusts others blindly.
  1. Ser ikke skogen for bare trær – You don’t see the forest because you’re only focused on the trees.

This quote in Norwegian means that sometimes you only see what’s right in front of you but you don’t see the big picture.

Norwegian Proverbs & Quotes Translated Into English

Below I’ve listed a range of Norwegian proverbs and Norwegian quotes translated into English. These all have Norwegian origin.

  1. Behind the clouds, the sky is always blue.
  1. Good fortune is loaned, not owned.
  1. The fair wind blows even if the sailor does not see it.
  1. Everybody wants to put the ax in the bear skull, but nobody wants to hold the handle.
  1. Those who want to sing will always find a song.
Famous Norwegian saying which reads 'those who want to sing will always find a song'.
  1. It is the law that judges, not the judge.
  1. Don’t sell the hide until you’ve shot the bear.
  1. Shared joy is double joy.
  1. Even the best swimmer may sink.
  1. Straight ahead is shortest, but not always easiest.
  1. It’s too late to close the stable door after the horse has escaped.
  1. When the glacier sees the spring sun, he weeps.
  1. A good anvil does not fear the hammer.
  1. The best friends are fewest.
  1. Better to have one bird in the hand than ten on the roof.
  1. The lazier a man is, the more he plans to do tomorrow.
  1. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.
  1. Only he who wanders, finds new paths.
  1. Even a blind hen may occasionally pick up a grain.
  1. An empty head gets the easiest sleep.
  1. To be a hero, hang on for a minute longer.
  1. From small seeds, big trees grow.
  1. The less you know, the less you forget.
  1. The day that is gone, you will not get one more time.
  1. Better a free bird than a king in captivity.
Famous Norwegian proverb which reads 'better a free bird than a king in captivity'.
  1. A burnt child fears fire.
  1. He who does no evil does a lot of good.
  1. The afterthought is good, but forethought is better.
  1. It is better to be a free man in a small house than a slave in a big one.
  1. What’s good is often forgotten, what’s bad is often hidden.
  1. In every woman there is a Queen. Speak to the Queen and the Queen will answer.
  1. The stomach is not content with nice words.
  1. Not all the words that were ever uttered are worth weighing on golden scales.
  1. It’s better to know a little too much than too little.
  1. Another’s steak is always fat.

This Norwegian saying about life is similar to the English version ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’.

  1. To be away is well and good, but home is best.
  1. The child has to crawl till it learns to walk.
  1. The friend of all is the fool of all.
  1. The lowest fence is the easiest to get across.
  1. It is better to feed one cat than many mice.
  1. If you bend the bow too much, it will break.
  1. Even the best horse may stumble.
  1. A tied dog does not jump farther than his cord.

Best Norwegian Idioms & Norwegian Expressions

Below I’ve listed the most well-known Norwegian idioms and expressions. Many of these have hidden meanings. 

  1. Ugler i mosen

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘owls in the moss’ however it is actually used to say that something that has happened is very suspicious. 

Norwegian idiom which reads 'owls in the moss' meaning something is suspicious.
  1. Førstemann til mølla

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘first man to the mill’ however it is actually used to say ‘first come, first served’.

  1. Å stå/sitter med skjegget i postkassa

This saying in Norwegian literally means ‘to stand/sit with your beard in the post box’. It is used to say that you have got yourself into a stupid situation.

  1. Som plommen i egget

This idiom literally means ‘like the yolk in the egg’. You can use this phrase to say that you are content or that everything is good.

  1. Å være pling i bollen

This idiom literally means ‘to be a ping in the bowl’. It means that someone is very stupid or empty-headed.

  1. Fra asken til ilden

This Norwegian saying literally means ‘from the ashes to the fire’. It is used to say that things are going from bad to worse for you. 

  1. Å få blod på tannen

This Norwegian expression literally means ‘to get blood on your tooth’. It is used to say that you are inspired or feel driven to do something.

  1. Storm i et vannglass

This Norwegian saying literally means ‘storm in a glass of water’. It is actually used to say that something is a huge exaggeration of a trivial matter.

  1. Ta for god fisk

This Norwegian expression literally means ‘to take for a good fish’. It’s similar to saying ‘I’ll take your word for it’ and you’d use it when telling someone that you believe what they are saying.

  1. Å skrive noe bak øret

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘to write something behind the ear’. It means that you’re making a mental note of something.

Norwegian idiom which reads 'to write something behind the ear'.
  1. Å snakke rett fra leveren​​

This saying literally means ‘to speak directly from the liver’. It means that you are speaking truthfully. 

  1. Å ta beina på nakken

This Norwegian quote literally means ‘to put your legs on your neck’. It means that you are running away from something.

  1. Det er helt Texas

This funny Norwegian saying literally means ‘that’s completely Texas’. It actually means ‘that’s crazy’ and was inspired by old Wild West movies.

  1. Ã… svelge noen kameler

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘to swallow some camels’ but it is actually used to say that you have given in to something.

  1. Det er helt på trynet

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘it’s completely on the snout’ however it actually means ‘it’s totally ridiculous’. 

  1. ​​Har du røyka sokka dine?

This funny Norwegian saying literally means ‘have you smoked your socks?’ but it is actually used to say ‘are you crazy?’

  1. En glad laks

This saying literally means ‘a happy salmon’ however it is used to describe a positive and cheerful person. 

  1. ​​Å ha bein i nesa

This idiom literally means ‘to have bones in your nose’. It is used to say that someone is tough, determined and not afraid to speak up.

  1. Å tråkke i salaten

This Norwegian saying literally means ‘to step in the salad’ but it actually means ‘to make a faux pas’. 

Check out the videos below which feature a range of famous Norwegian quotes and well-known Norwegian sayings & proverbs.

Thanks for reading this post on the best Norwegian quotes about life, famous Norwegian sayings and fascinating Norwegian proverbs.

Did you find your favourite Norwegian saying?

These Norwegian quotes & sayings give an interesting insight into Norwegian beliefs and language.

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