Want to know how to say ‘happy birthday’ in Slovenian? You’re in the right place.
It’s always nice to wish someone a happy birthday on their special day but why not do it in a language that means something to them.
As well as wishing your loved one a happy birthday in Slovenian (also known as Slovene), why not also sing the Slovenian version of the happy birthday song! Read on to learn more about this.
It ca be hard to find language resources or courses for Slovenian (Slovene) , but a popular one is the Slovene course by Glossika. Luckily you can try a free trial to see if you find it useful before purchasing a subscription.
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How To Say ‘Happy Birthday’ In Slovenian
To wish someone a happy birthday in Slovenian, you can say:
English | Slovenian | Pronunciation |
Happy birthday | Vse najboljše | U-se nai-bol-she |
This phrase is used to say ‘happy birthday’ in Slovenia however the literal translation is actually ‘all the best’.
To hear the pronunciation of this phrase, check out the video below:
Alternatively, you can also use some of these phrases:
English | Slovenian | Pronunciation |
Congratulations | Čestitke | Ches-teet-ke |
Happy birthday/All the best for your birthday | Vse najboljše za rojstni dan | U-se nai-bol-she za roy-stni dan |
Happy birthday/All the best for your birthday | Vse najboljše za tvoj rojstni dan | U-se nai-bol-she za tvoy roy-stni dan |
If you’re speaking to someone special then you’ll want to know how to say I love you in Slovenian.
How To Sing Happy Birthday In Slovenian
If you want to go the extra mile for your loved one or friend, try singing the happy birthday song in Slovenian.
You’ll be happy to know it’s the same tune as the English version, they just sing it in Slovenian, however there is also a second verse of the song that we don’t have in English.
Check out the video below to hear the Slovenian birthday song. I’ve listed the lyrics below so you can sing along.
Here’s the lyrics so you can sing along:
“Vse najboljše za te
Vse najboljše za te
Vse najboljše, dragi/draga *name*,
Vse najboljše za te
Torta svečke ima
Vsaka tisoč želja
Naj se vse ti izpolni
Dragi slavljenec/Draga slavljenka”
Use the word ‘dragi’ and ‘dragi slavljenec’ if the birthday person is male and ‘draga’ and ‘draga slavljenka’ if they’re female.
If you’re not familiar with the Slovenian alphabet, this is pronounced as:
“U-se nai-bol-she za ti
U-se nai-bol-she za ti
U-se nai-bol-she dragi/draga *name*
U-se nai-bol-she za ti
Torta sveech-ke ee-ma
U-saka tee-soch zhel-ya
Nai so se-ti is-po-ni
Dragi sl-au-lyen-ets/draga sl-aul-lyenka”
This translates to:
“Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to *name*
Happy birthday to you!
The cake has candles
Each a thousand wishes
Let everything come true
Dear birthday boy/girl”
The second verse of the song is not always sung, some people just sing the first verse and finish there but I’ve included the second verse just in case you need it.
Slovenian Birthday Traditions
Birthday traditions can be very important to many people on their birthdays. To make your loved one feel extra special you can also try this Slovenian birthday tradition.
In Slovenia, it’s a tradition for the person whose birthday it is to pay for everything. So if you’re planning a birthday lunch or a birthday dinner with all your friends, you’ll be expected to pay for everyone and organise everything.
Thanks for reading this post on how to say ‘happy birthday’ in Slovenian.
It’s a great idea to make the effort to learn how to say this in someone’s native language or a language that means something to them.
Your loved one or friend will be so impressed!
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