Slovenian people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.
Check out these proverbs and quotes below to gain some insight into Slovenian beliefs and ways of thinking.
Below I’ve listed famous Slovenian quotes, inspiring Slovenian sayings and common Slovenian proverbs.
Table of Contents
Famous Slovenian Proverbs & Slovenian Sayings
Below I’ve listed the most famous Slovenian proverbs as well as some common Slovenian sayings. These are used often in day to day life.
- Kdor drugemu jamo koplje, sam vanjo pade – He who digs a hole for others, ends up in it himself.
- Za vsakim dežjem posije sonce – The sun shines behind the rain.
This Slovenian proverb teaches us not to give up during hard times because better days are coming.

- Osel gre samo enkrat na led – The donkey only goes on the ice once.
This Slovenian saying means that only a really stupid person would make the same mistake twice.
- Nobena juha se ne poje tako vroča, kot se skuha – No soup is eaten as hot as it is cooked.
This Slovenian proverb means that nothing is ever as bad as it seems.
- Lepa beseda lepo mesto najde – A nice word finds a nice place.
This saying means that politeness costs nothing, but can yield a lot.
- Kjer je dim, je tudi ogenj – There is no smoke without fire.
This Slovenian saying means that nothing happens without a reason.
- Rana ura – zlata ura – The early bird catches the worm.
This Slovenian saying means that you will have an advantage and be successful if you start early before anyone else.
- Kuj železo, dokler je vroče – Strike whilst the iron is hot.
This Slovenian quote means that you should take your opportunities right away when they arise.
- Ni dela, ni jela – No work, no food.
This Slovenian quote is similar to the English version ‘no pain, no gain’.
- Videz vara – Appearances can be deceptive.
- Pes, ki laja, ne grize – A dog that barks does not bite.
This Slovenian quote means that people who threaten you or say they will harm you, rarely do.

- Ljubo doma, kdor ga ima – Home sweet home.
- Kar seješ, to žanješ – What you sow, you reap.
This proverb means that whatever you do in your life, whether it be good or bad, the same will happen to you.
- Jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa – The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
This saying means that children often show the same characteristics as their parents.
- Kakor si boš postlal, tako boš spal – As you make your bed, so you must lie.
- Kdor veliko govori, veliko ve ali veliko laže – He who speaks much knows much or lies much.
- Dvema gospodarjema ne moreš služiti – You can’t serve two masters.
- Kamna, ki se obrača, se ne prime mah – The stone that turns does not stick to the moss.
This Slovenian quote means that a person who does not settle in one place will not accumulate wealth or status.
- Kruha ne naredi moka ampak roka – Not the flour makes the bread, but the hand.
- Kdor ne dela, je brez jela – He that will not work, shall not eat.
- Laž ima kratke noge – A lie has short legs.
- Molk je znak priznanja – Silence gives consent.
- Otroci, norci in pijanci govore resnico – Only children, fools and drunken men tell the truth.
- Velike ribe male žro – Big fish eat small ones.
Beautiful Slovenian Quotes & Slovenian Proverbs In English
Below I’ve listed a range of famous and inspirational Slovenian quotes and Slovenian proverbs in English.
All of these have Slovenian origin.
- Man’s life is like a drop of dew on a leaf.

- What you build easily, will fall quickly.
- Good sense is better than velvet.
- He who is forced to go to church will not pray.
- Never whisper to the deaf or wink at the blind.
- A doorstep is the highest of all mountains.
- If you promise something, it is a debt that you have to repay.
- It is better to chase the day by the head than by the tail.
- The night is for thinking, the day is for acting.
- Only God knows why he has made the wings of some birds shorter.
- All roads do not lead to Rome.
- Bad company often leads to unpleasant consequences.
- Don’t ask the blind man for the way, nor a fool for advice.
- Better to hold it than to chase it.
- Old love does not rust.
This Slovenian love quote means that the love shared between two people does not diminish over time.
- Laughter is half of one’s health.
- Everyone takes care of their own needs first, before turning to others.
- No song is so long that it won’t be sung.

- Hunger is the best spice.
- One today is better than two tomorrows.
- Honey on the tongue, ice in the heart.
- Feed the worker if you want him to work.
- A word is not a horse.
- He who flies high, falls low.
Best Slovenian Idioms & Slovenian Expressions
Below I’ve listed the most well-known Slovenian idioms and expressions. Many of these have hidden meanings.
- Imam mačka
This Slovenian saying literally means ‘to have a cat’ but is actually used to say that you have a hangover.
- Imam tigra
This expression is a variation of the above one and literally means ‘to have a tiger’. It’s used to describe a really bad hangover.
- Naj te koklja brcne
This Slovenian idiom literally means ‘let the mother hen kick you’. You can use this phrase to angrily reject someone or something.
- Ima veliko masla na glavi
This idiom literally means ‘to have a lot of butter on their head’. It’s used to say that someone is guilty.
- Kličemo jelene
This Slovenian expression literally means ‘call the reindeer’ but it is actually used to say that you have vomited.
- Smeji se kot pečen maček
This saying literally means ‘to smile like a roasted cat’ but is actually used to say that someone is laughing a lot.
- Dali so ga na čevelj
This expression literally means ‘to get put on the shoe’. The true meaning is that someone has been fired from their job.
Check out the video below which features a range of famous Slovenian quotes and well-known Slovenian sayings & proverbs.
Thanks for reading this post on the best Slovenian quotes about life, famous Slovenian sayings and fascinating Slovenian proverbs.
These Slovenian quotes & sayings give an interesting insight into the Slovenian beliefs and language.
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