Wondering how to say ‘I love you’ in Slovenian? You’re in the right place.
Saying ‘I love you’ can be both scary and exciting and even more so in a new language!
There are different ways to say ‘I love you’ depending on the situation. Make sure you use the right one.
If you want to know how to say ‘I love you’ and other romantic phrases in Slovenian, then read on.
How To Say ‘I Love You’ In Slovenian
The way that you tell someone that you love them in Slovenian depends on who you’re speaking to.
For romantic love, you can say:
English | Slovenian | Pronunciation |
I love you (romantic) | Ljubim te | Lyu-bim teh |
This phrase is only used in romantic relationships e.g. with a husband/boyfriend or a wife/girlfriend. Both genders can use this same phrase.
For all types of love, you can say:
English | Slovenian | Pronunciation |
I love you (female speaker) | Rada te imam | Rah-da teh imam |
I love you (male speaker) | Rad te imam | Rad teh imam |
These phrases can be used with anyone including partners, family and friends.
Check out the video below to hear the pronunciation of these phrases by a native speaker:
Romantic Phrases & Terms of Endearment in Slovenian
Try these other romantic phrases and terms of endearment including how to say ‘I miss you’ in Slovenian.
English | Slovenian | Pronunciation |
I love you so much | Ljubim te močno | Lyu-bim teh moch-no |
I love you too | Tudi jaz te ljubim | Too-dee yas teh lyu-bim |
I miss you | Pogrešam te | Poh-gresham teh |
I like you | Všeč si mi | Oo-shech see mee |
I like you a lot | Zelo si mi všeč | Zelo see mee oo-shech |
You are very beautiful | Zelo ste lepi | Zelo steh leh-pee |
My love | Moja ljubezen | Moh-jah lyoo-beh-zen |
Love | Ljubezen | Lyoo-beh-zen |
Love/kiss (name for a female) | Ljubica | Lyu-bitsa |
Darling (speaking to a male) | Dragi | Drag-ee |
Darling (speaking to a female) | Draga | Drag-ah |
These phrases should come in handy whether you’ve got a love interest from Slovenia or whether you’re just visiting and want to be prepared.
Why not also learn how to say ‘how are you?’ in Slovenian? You’ll need this essential phrase in lots of different situations.
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