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60 Mongolian Quotes, Proverbs & Sayings + Their Meanings

Mongolian people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.

Check out these proverbs and quotes below to gain some insight into Mongolian beliefs and ways of thinking. 

Below I’ve listed famous Mongolian quotes, common Mongolian proverbs and  inspiring Mongolian sayings.

Famous Mongolian Proverbs & Mongolian Sayings

Below I’ve listed the most famous Mongolian proverbs and meanings as well as some common Mongolian sayings. These are used often in day to day life.

  1. Чоно борооноор – Wolves come during rain.

This Mongolian proverb means that bad things usually happen during hard times. 

Mongolian proverb which reads 'wolves come during rain'.
  1. Хүн долоон удаа бүтэлгүйтэж, найман удаа босдог – A man fails seven times and rises eight times.

This Mongolian quote means that a person that fails will keep growing and learning from their mistakes and will eventually become better.

  1. Өндөр барихыг хүссэн хүн гүн ухах ёстой – He who wants to build high, must dig deep.

This Mongolian proverb means that if you have big dreams, you need to work hard to get there.

  1. Зугтсан морио барих нь оргосон үгийг эргүүлж авахаас амархан – It is easier to catch an escaped horse than to take back an escaped word.

This proverb teaches us to be careful with our words. Don’t say things carelessly as you can’t take words back.

  1. Сүүлийн тэмээний ачаа хүнд – The last camel gets the heavy load.

This Mongolian saying serves as a reminder that if you come last, you often get punished in some way.

  1. Сэтгэл цэвэр бол хувь тавилан сайхан – If the mind is clean, fate is good.

This proverb means that if you have good intentions, you will be destined for good things.

  1. Хүний нохой идэхээр өөрийн нохой идэг – I’d rather give it to our dog, than the neighbor’s dog.

This Mongolian proverb is similar to the English saying ‘charity starts at home’.

It means that if you are giving something away, you should always prioritize your family first before others.

  1. Өөрийнхөө дүрмээр зов – Suffer with your own rule.

This Mongolian quote means that it is better to face consequences if it’s due to your own choice rather than the choice of others.

Mongolian proverb which reads 'suffer with your own rule'.
  1. Аманд орсон шар тосыг хэлээрээ түлхэх – Push out the ghee butter that entered your mouth.

This Mongolian proverb is used when a great opportunity presents itself to you but you mess it up and fail.

  1. Нугын өвс ногоо өөр байдаг шиг улс орон бүрийн ёс заншил өөр өөр байдаг – Each country’s customs are different, just as each meadow’s grass is different.

This Mongolian quote teaches us not to expect things to be the same when we visit a different place.

  1. Муу нохойн гэдсэнд шар тос зохихгүй – Bad dogs can’t stomach ghee butter.

This Mongolian quote is used when a person isn’t good enough to deserve something great.

  1. Айсан бол бүү эхл, нэгэнт эхэлсэн бол бүү ай – Do not start if afraid; once begun, do not be afraid.

This proverb teaches us to do things without fear and not limit ourselves.

  1. Холбоо бол амжилтын эх үүсвэр юм – Union is the source of success.

This Mongolian quote highlights the importance of unity. Unity leads to success.

  1. Шунал нь хүмүүсийг мөнхөд ядуу байлгадаг, энэ ертөнцийн элбэг дэлбэг байдал ч тэднийг баян болгохгүй – Greed keeps men forever poor, even the abundance of this world will not make them rich.

This Mongolian proverb highlights the dangers of greed. Greedy people will never be happy.

  1. Хүний эрхээр зовохоор өөрийн эрхээр жарга – Suffer in liberty rather than delight in captivity.

This Mongolian quote is similar to the English saying ‘better to die on your feet than to live on your knees’.

  1. Тахиатай ч үүр цайна, тахиагүй ч үүр цайна – Dawn will come with or without the rooster.

This proverb means that some things are inevitable.

Mongolian quote which reads 'dawn will come with or without the rooster'.
  1. Эзэн хичээвэл заяа хичээнэ – If the self tries, the fate strives.

This Mongolian saying means ‘if there’s a will, there’s a way’.

  1. Барын сүүл байснаас батганы толгой байсан нь дээр – Be the head of a wasp rather than the tail of a lion.

This quote means that it’s better to be free and independent in a worse situation than controlled in a better situation.

  1. Гараар ганц хүнийг дийлэх. Tолгойгоор мянган хүнийг дийлэх – Conquer one with your hands, a thousand with your head.

This Mongolian proverb means you can achieve more with intelligence than with physical strength.

  1. Зүгээр сууxаар зулгэж суу – Don’t just sit. Sit and polish.

This Mongolian quote teaches us to always try to be productive. 

  1. Усыг нь уувал ёсыг нь дага – If you drink the water, follow the custom.

This saying is similar to the English version ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’.

It means you should follow the local customs when visiting a place.

  1. Бэлгийн морины шүдийг хардаггүй – Do not look at the teeth of a gifted horse.

This Mongolian proverb means that we should not look for faults in gifts that we receive.

  1. 7 хэмжиж 1 огтол – Measure 7 times, cut once.

This quote means that you should plan and prepare thoroughly and carefully before taking action.

  1. Ямааны мах халуун дээрээ – Eat a goat’s meat while it’s hot.

This proverb teaches us to act immediately and without delay.

Beautiful Mongolian Quotes & Mongolian Proverbs In English 

Below I’ve listed a range of famous and inspirational Mongolian quotes and Mongolian proverbs translated into English.

All of these have Mongolian origin.

  1. It is better to see one time than to hear one hundred times.
Mongolian quotes which reads 'it is better to see one time than to hear one hundred times'.
  1. Even foul water will put out a fire.
  1. If you endeavor, fate will favor you.
  1. The sun illuminates the world, knowledge illuminates a man.
  1. Rich is he who has no debts, fortunate he who lives without handicap.
  1. The meat-biting tooth is in the mouth, the man-biting tooth is in the soul.
  1. The supreme treasure is knowledge, the middle treasure is children, and the lowest treasure is material wealth.
  1. Do not scorn a weak cub, he may become a brutal tiger.
  1. Don’t look for bad things in the good that you do.
  1. Two bears in one cave will not end up well.
  1. The donkey recognizes the tracks of a horse.
  1. A donkey that carries me is worth more than a horse that kicks me.
  1. He who drinks, dies; he who does not drink, dies as well.
  1. The distance between heaven and earth is no greater than one thought.
  1. A cat likes to eat fresh fish but it will not go into the water.
  1. In one good word, there are three winters of warmth; in one malicious word, there is pain for six frosty months.
  1. Don’t undo your bootlaces until you have seen the river.
  1. One idiot can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer.
Mongolian saying which reads 'one idiot can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer'.
  1. ​​Once you have locked your door you are the emperor in your own domain.
  1. The fish sees the bait not the hook; a man sees not the danger, only the profit.
  1. You can’t put two saddles on the same horse.
  1. A tiger wearing a bell will starve.
  1. Wise men talk about ideas, intellectuals about facts, and the ordinary man talks about what he eats.
  1. Times are not always the same; the grass is not always green.
  1. There are men who walk through the woods and see no trees.

Best Mongolian Idioms & Mongolian Expressions

Below I’ve listed the most well-known Mongolian idioms and expressions. Many of these have hidden meanings. 

  1. Муу хүний дуу чанга – A bad person’s voice is loud.

This Mongolian saying is used when someone is talking too loud. Loud conversation is seen as immature and rude in Mongolian culture.

  1. Даахгүй нохой булуу хураах – Hoarding bones he can’t gnaw.

This Mongolian idiom means that someone has bitten off more than they can chew.

  1. Галаас зугатаад усанд унаж үхэх – Drowning in water in running from fire.

This Mongolian idiom is used to say that you have gone from a bad situation to an even worse one. 

  1. Чонын амнаас гараад, барын аманд орох – From the fangs of a wolf, into the jaws of a tiger.

This saying is a variant of the previous one meaning you have gone from a bad situation to an even worse one.

  1. Өөд нь хаясан чулуу өөрийн толгой дээр – The stone thrown up falls back on the thrower.

This expression is similar to the English saying ‘what goes around comes around’.

Mongolian idiom which reads 'the stone thrown up falls back on the thrower'.
  1. Хүн атгандаа байгаа алтны үнэ цэнийг мэддэггүй – To overlook the gold in your palms.

This Mongolian idiom can be used to say that a person does not appreciate what they already have.

  1. Элсэн дотроос зүү олоx – To search for a needle in the sand.

This idiom is similar to the English idiom ‘to search for a needle in a haystack’. It means that something is nearly impossible to find. 

  1. ​​Уснаас хуурай гараx – To come out of water dry.

This saying is used to say that someone has done something that seemed impossible.

  1. Саалиа бэлдэхээр саваа бэлд – Prepare the pot first before preparing the milk.

This Mongolian idiom is often used when someone is doing something in the wrong order.

  1. Ярьдаг ямаа – Talking goat.

This funny Mongolian saying is used to describe an argumentative person.

  1. Царайны сайхнаар цай сүлэхгүй – A beauty cannot give you milk tea.

This Mongolian idiom is similar to the English idiom ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’.

Check out the videos below which feature a range of famous Mongolian quotes and well-known Mongolian sayings & proverbs.

Thanks for reading this post on the best Mongolian quotes about life, famous Mongolian sayings and fascinating Mongolian proverbs.

These Mongolian quotes & sayings give an interesting insight into the Mongolian beliefs and language.

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