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Numbers in Hungarian From 1 to 1000 – How To Count In Hungarian

Wondering how to count in Hungarian? 

This post will tell you all the numbers in Hungarian from 1 to 1,000. It also covers the main numbering rules which should help you form new numbers.

Hopefully you’ll leave this page knowing some essential Hungarian numbers.

List Of Hungarian Numbers From 1-1000

Below is a list of the numbers in Hungarian from 1 to 1,000.

Please note: I have not included every single number from 1 – 1,000. The key numbers have been included, to form any other numbers in between, please see the numbering rules below.

Hungarian Numbering Rules

Like in many languages, there are some rules when it comes to the numbers in Hungarian.

Knowing these rules will help you to learn the numbers and work out the name for other numbers not listed here. 

Forming compound numbers such as 32, 45, 67, 78, 89 in Hungarian is super easy.

You just need to join the ten number with the digit. For example, 30 is ‘harminc’ and 1 is ‘egy’ so 31 would be ‘harmincegy’.

  • 30 (harminc) + 1 (egy) = 31 (harmincegy)
  • 60 (hatvan) + 5 (öt) = 65 (hatvanöt)
  • 90 (kilencven) + 3 (három) = 93 (kilencvenhárom)

Easy right?

The only exceptions are 11-19 and 21-29.

The numbers from 11 – 19 are formed with the prefix ‘tizen’. Just add the digit to this word to form the number.

For example, 2 is ‘kettő’ so 12 would be ‘tizenkettő’.

The numbers 21 – 29 are formed with the prefix ‘huszon’. Just add the digit to this word to form the number. 

For example, 1 is ‘egy’ so 21 would be ‘huszonegy’.

Ordinal Numbers In Hungarian

Below is a list of the ordinal numbers in Hungarian from 1 to 10.

If you need more help learning Hungarian it may be worth getting one like this Hungarian book which is great for absolute beginners.

Thanks for reading this post on how to say the numbers from 1 to 1,000 in Hungarian. 

You should now be able to count in Hungarian and know some of the rules on numbering.

Another essential phrase you can learn is hello in Hungarian. You’ll need this essential phrase in lots of different situations.

You can find out more about the Hungarian language here.

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