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55 Ukrainian Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs + Their Meanings

Ukrainian people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.

I’ve found all these proverbs and quotes below to learn more about Ukrainian beliefs and ways of thinking. 

Below I’ve listed famous Ukrainian quotes, inspiring Ukrainian sayings and common Ukrainian proverbs with translation. 

(My favourite quote is number 29.)

Famous Ukrainian Proverbs & Ukrainian Sayings

Here’s a bunch of the most famous Ukrainian proverbs and Ukrainian quotes with translation. These are used often in day to day life.

I’ve listed the quotes in the Ukrainian language with English translation.

  1. Ложка дьогтю у бочці меду – A spoonful of tar in a barrel of honey.

This Ukrainian saying means that something small (like a spoonful of tar) can ruin something really nice (like a barrel of honey).

Famous Ukrainian proverb which reads 'a spoonful of tar in a barrel of honey'.
  1. Під лежачий камінь вода не тече – Under the lying stone, water does not flow.

This Ukrainian proverb means if someone makes no effort, they will make no progress. It’s similar to the English saying ‘no pain, no gain’.

  1. Слово не горобець – A word is not a sparrow.

This Ukrainian saying means that once words are said, they can’t come back so you should think about what you say as you cannot unsay it.

  1. Краще синиця в долоні, ніж журавель в небі – A gift in the hand is better than two promises.
  1. Яблуко від яблуньки не далеко – An apple is never far from the apple tree.

This Ukrainian proverb means that children usually behave similar to their parents. It’s similar to the English version ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’. 

  1. Як дві краплі води – Like two drops of water.

This saying is similar to the English saying ‘like two peas in a pod’ which is used to say that two people are really similar.

  1. Два чоботи – пара – Two shoes make a pair.

This Ukrainian saying is very similar to the previous one. It means that two people are very similar. 

  1. Всюди добре де нас нема – The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.

This Ukrainian proverb means that other people’s lives and situations often seem better than our own.

  1. Крапля в морі – A drop in the sea.

This Ukrainian proverb means that something is actually a very small amount compared to what is needed.

  1. Правда у воді не тоне і в огні не горить – The truth doesn’t drown in water and doesn’t burn in fire.

This proverb means that you can’t erase the truth and it will always come out in the end.

Ukrainian proverb which reads 'the truth doesn’t drown in water and doesn’t burn in fire'.
  1. Не роби з мухи слона – Don’t make a mountain out of an anthill. 

This Ukrainian proverb means that you shouldn’t make a big deal out of something small.

  1. Всьому свій час – Strike whilst the iron is hot.

This Ukrainian quote means that you should take all opportunities as they arise.

  1. Язик до києва доведе – If you are willing to ask, you can find the way.

This Ukrainian inspirational quote means that if you’re willing to ask for help or advice, then you will learn and figure out whatever problem you have encountered. 

  1. Сім раз відміряй один раз відріж – Measure it several times before cutting.

This Ukrainian proverb teaches us to think about things deeply before making a final decision.

  1. Людина створена для щастя, як птах для польоту – A person is created for happiness like a bird is made for flying.
  1. Де багато господинь там хата неметена – Too many cooks spoil the broth.

This Ukrainian quote about life means that if too many people try to help with a task, it won’t be done properly.

Inspirational Ukrainian Quotes & Ukrainian Sayings 

Here are some famous and inspirational Ukrainian quotes as well as more Ukrainian sayings.

These have been translated into English but all have Ukrainian origin.

  1. You don’t really see the world if you only look through your own window.

This Ukrainian quote teaches us to look at the bigger picture.

  1. No matter how hard you try, a bull will never give milk.
  1. Luck always seems to be against the man who depends on it.
Ukrainian saying which reads 'luck always seems to be against the man who depends on it'.
  1. Only when you have eaten a lemon do you appreciate what sugar is.

This Ukrainian quote means that you have to go through bad times to appreciate the good times.

  1. Borrowed bread lies heavy on the stomach.
  1. A crow will never be a falcon.
  1. With patience, it is possible to dig a well with a teaspoon.
  1. Wisdom is in the head, not in the beard.
  1. Flies will not land on a boiling pot.
  1. Your head is not only for putting a hat on.
  1. Black souls wear white shirts.
  1. Dogs don’t know how to swim until the water reaches their ears.
  1. If you chase two hares at the same time, you will catch neither of them.

This Ukrainian quote about life teaches us to focus on one thing at a time. If we try to do too much at once, we will fail at everything.

  1. Every disadvantage has its advantage.
  1. The fatter the flea, the leaner the dog.
  1. It is love that makes the world go round.
  1. He who licks knives will soon cut his tongue.
  1. Those sitting above can easily spit on those below.
  1. Love will find a way. Indifference will find an excuse.
Famous Ukrainian quote which reads 'love will find a way, indifference will find an excuse'.
  1. Every road has two directions.
  1. You can get farther with a friendly word than with a club.
  1. A hungry wolf is stronger than a satisfied dog.
  1. No cook ever died of starvation.
  1. Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes, fools by their own.
  1. Work and you will be strong. Sit and you will rot.
  1. A fire starts with a spark.
  1. It is easier to destroy than to build.
  1. The fear of death takes away the joy of living.
  1. Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.
  1. What can’t be cured must be endured.

Best Ukrainian Idioms & Ukrainian Expressions

Below I’ve listed the most well-known Ukrainian idioms and expressions. Many of these have hidden meanings. 

  1. Показати де раки зимують

This Ukrainian saying literally means ‘to show where the crayfish is wintering’.

It is often used as a threat and actually means ‘to teach someone a lesson’ e.g. ‘I’m going to teach you a lesson!’ 

  1. Про вовка промовка

This Ukrainian idiom literally means ‘talking about the wolf’.

It’s actually used to say ‘speak of the devil’. For example, you’d say it when someone appears suddenly and you’d just been talking about them.

  1. Німий як риба

This idiom literally means ‘mute as a fish’. It is used to say that you won’t say anything.

For example, if someone tells you a secret, you might use this idiom to let them know you won’t tell anyone else.

  1. Біла ворона

This Ukrainian idiom literally means ‘a white crow’ however it is actually used to describe someone who is unusual or extraordinary.

Ukrainian idiom which reads 'a white crow' and is used to describe an unusual person.
  1. Підсунути свиню

This Ukrainian saying literally means ‘to plant a pig on someone’. 

It is actually used to say that you’ve played a dirty trick on someone or made their life difficult in some way.

  1. Чекати з моря погоди

This saying literally means ‘to wait for the weather from the sea’.

It is used to mean that someone is waiting and not taking action when they should be doing something.

  1. Купити кота в мішку

This idiom literally means ‘to buy a cat in a sack’. 

This idiom is used to say that you’ve bought something without examining it properly meaning it may be of poor quality or not what you were after.

  1. Вичавлений лимон

This Ukrainian saying literally means ‘a squeezed lemon’.

It is actually used to talk about someone who is very tired.

  1. ​​Під каблуком

This Ukrainian saying literally means ‘under someone’s heel’.

The actual meaning is that someone is being influenced or controlled by another person.

Check out the video below which features a range of famous Ukrainian quotes and well-known Ukrainian sayings & proverbs.

Thanks for reading this post on the best Ukrainian quotes about life, famous Ukrainian sayings and fascinating Ukrainian proverbs.

What was your favourite quote?

These Ukrainian quotes & sayings give an interesting insight into the Ukrainian beliefs and language.

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