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42 Hebrew Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs + Meanings

Hebrew speakers use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.

I spent ages finding these Hebrew proverbs and quotes to gain some insight into the beliefs and ways of thinking of Hebrew speakers. 

Below I’ve listed famous Hebrew quotes, inspiring Hebrew sayings and common Hebrew proverbs. 

Famous Hebrew Proverbs & Hebrew Sayings

Here’s a bunch of the most famous Hebrew proverbs with meaning as well as some common Hebrew sayings.

See if you can find your favorite.

  1. איזה הוא חכם? הלומד מכל אדם – Who is the wise man? He who learns from all men.

This Hebrew saying teaches us that wisdom is important and you can learn things from everyone.

Famous Hebrew proverb which reads 'who is the wise man? He who learns from all men'.
  1. אושר אינו דבר שמגיע מן המוכן, הוא נובע מפעילויותיך – Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
  1. אכול ושתו כי מחר נמות – Eat and drink for tomorrow we shall die.

This Hebrew proverb is similar to the English version ‘life is short’. 

It is often used to suggest that you should make the most of your life as you never know when you will die.

  1. אם אין אני לי מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי – If I am not for myself, who will be? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, then when?

This famous Hebrew saying is used to say ‘there’s no time like the present’.

  1. תפשת מרובה לא תפשת – If you grab too much, you grab nothing.

This Hebrew saying means that you shouldn’t take on too much. It’s similar to the English version ‘don’t bite off more than you can chew’.

  1. והוי זנב לאריות, ואל תהי ראש לשועלים – It is better to be the tail of the lion than the head of the fox.

This Hebrew proverb refers to the pride that people can have about the groups they associate with.

This is often used in work scenarios meaning that it’s better to be in a lower position in a prestigious company than the leader of a less prestigious company.

  1. ואהבת לרעך כמוך – Love thy neighbor as thyself.

This Hebrew proverb means that we should treat others how we want to be treated.

  1. כל הפוסל במומו פוסל – He who invalidates another invalidates himself.

This Hebrew proverb teaches us not to criticize other people.

Famous Hebrew proverb which reads 'he who invalidates another invalidates himself'.
  1. עבר יומו בטל קרבנו – Its day passed, its sacrifice was annulled.

This Hebrew proverb means that the time has gone for something. It’s similar to the English version ‘you missed the boat’.

  1. על ראש הגנב בוער הכובע – The hat burns atop the thief’s head.

This Hebrew quote teaches us that a liar will always be found out.

  1. אל תסתכל בקנקן, אלא במה שבתוכו – Don’t look at the jar, but at what’s inside it.

This proverb in Hebrew means that you shouldn’t be fooled by external appearances, try to find the real value.

  1. אין דבר העומד בפני הרצון – Nothing can stand before will.

This Hebrew proverb is similar to the English version ‘when there’s a will, there’s a way’.

  1. טובה ציפור אחת ביד משתיים על העץ – One bird in the hand is better than two on the tree.

This proverb means that the things you already have are more valuable than things you might get.

  1. אילני סרק קולם הולך – Barren trees make a lot of noise.

This Hebrew quote means that it is often the people with the least knowledge that are the most outspoken.

  1. טובים השנים מן האחד – Two are better than one.

This quote in Hebrew means that it is helpful to have the advice or opinion of another person when you have a problem.

  1. אין עשן בלי אש – There is no smoke without fire.

This Hebrew proverb also exists in English. It means that there is usually some truth to a rumor.

Famous Hebrew proverb which reads 'there is no smoke without fire'.
  1. כל המרחם על אכזרים סופו שיתאכזר על רחמנים – He who is merciful to the cruel would be cruel to the merciful.

This proverb means that if someone is kind to a cruel person they will likely be cruel to a kind person.

Beautiful Hebrew Quotes & More Hebrew Proverbs

Below I’ve listed a range of famous and inspirational Hebrew quotes and more thought-provoking proverbs. Many of the Hebrew proverbs have Jewish origin.

  1. לא משנה כמה תתקדם באיטיות, העיקר שאינך עוצר – It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
  1. אין קיצורי דרך לשום מקום שכדאי להגיע אליו – There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
  1. כל אהבה שהיא תלויה בדבר בטל דבר בטלה אהבה. ושאינה תלויה בדבר אינה בטלה לעולם – Any love that depends upon a thing is annulled if that thing is annulled. Love that does not depend upon a thing will never be annulled.

This Hebrew quote about love means that true love lasts forever.

  1. עלינו להיות השינוי שאנו רוצים לראות בעולם – Be the change you want to see in the world.
  1. קנה חכמה מה טוב מחרוץ וקנות בינה נבחר מכסף – How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver.

This Hebrew quote means that wisdom is much more important than wealth.

  1. צרת רבים חצי נחמה – Suffering when shared is half a comfort.

This Hebrew quote teaches us that sharing our problems with others will help us to feel better about them.

Famous Hebrew quote which reads 'suffering when shared is half a comfort'.
  1. איזהו גיבור? הכובש את יצרו – Who is the hero? He who conquers his urges.

This Hebrew proverb teaches the importance of discipline. 

  1. מאה אחוז מהזריקות שלא זרקת לסל, לא נכנסות – You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
  1. אין חכם כבעל ניסיון – There is none wiser than the experienced.

This famous Hebrew saying teaches us the value of experience.

  1. דברי חכמים בנחת נשמעים – Wise words should be spoken pleasantly.

This Hebrew quote teaches that it is more effective to be polite and flattering than to be hostile or demanding.

  1. בור ששתית ממנו אל תזרוק בו אבן – Don’t throw stones into a well you’ve drunk from.

This Hebrew saying is similar to the English proverb ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you’. 

It means that if someone is helping you, you shouldn’t treat them badly.

  1. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה – Speak little and do much.

This quote in Hebrew means that actions speak louder than words.

  1. שלח לחמך על פני המים כי ברב הימים תמצאנו – Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days.

This proverb in Hebrew is similar to the English version ‘what goes around comes around’.

  1. כל מה שמוחו של אדם יכול להגות ולהאמין בו, הוא יכול להשיג – Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Famous Hebrew quote which reads 'whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve'.
  1. לעולם לא תוכל לחצות את האוקיינוס ​​עד שלא יהיה לך את האומץ לאבד את מראה קו החוף – You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  1. כי ברב חכמה רב כעס, ויוסיף דעת יוסיף מכאוב – For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.

This Hebrew quote about life is similar to the English version ‘ignorance is bliss’. 

It means that if you’re unaware of something bad or unpleasant they you can’t be troubled by it.

  1. סייג לחכמה שתיקה – Silence is a fence around wisdom.

This Hebrew proverb means that it is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to speak and remove all the doubt.

Best Hebrew Idioms & Hebrew Expressions

Below I’ve listed the most well-known Hebrew idioms and expressions. Many of these have hidden meanings. 

  1. מצא מין את מינו

This Hebrew idiom literally means ‘he found his own type’. The actual meaning is similar to ‘like two peas in a pod’ meaning that two people are very similar.

  1. חבל על הזמן

This Hebrew idiom literally means ‘shame on the time’ however it is actually used to say that something is really awesome.

  1. נעים מאוד

This idiom literally means ‘feels very pleasant’ however it is actually used to say ‘it’s nice to meet you’.

Hebrew idiom which reads 'it feels very pleasant'. This means 'nice to meet you'.
  1. תעשו חיים

This Hebrew idiom literally means ‘to do or make life’ however it is actually used to say ‘have a great time’.

  1. על הפנים

This Hebrew idiom literally means ‘on the face’. It is used to say that something was really bad or terrible e.g. you might say that a movie was really bad using this idiom.

  1. סוף העולם שמאלה

This Hebrew saying literally means ‘the end of the world, to the left’. It is actually used to say that something is ‘in the middle of nowhere’.

  1. לדחוף את האף

This idiom literally means ‘pushing one’s nose’. It is used to say that someone is meddling in other people’s business.

  1. לעשות סיפור

This Hebrew idiom literally means ‘to make a story’. This phrase is used to say that someone is making a big deal out of something.

Thanks for reading this post on the best Hebrew quotes about life, famous Hebrew sayings and fascinating Hebrew proverbs.

These Hebrew quotes & sayings give an interesting insight into the Hebrew language.

I hope you foudn your favorite Hebrew quote! Mine was number 32.

Did you know Natalie Portman speaks Hebrew? Find out what other languages Natalie Portman speaks!

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