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63 Romanian Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs + Meanings

Romanian people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.

I found all of these these Romanian proverbs and quotes to find out more about Romanian beliefs and ways of thinking. 

Below I’ve listed famous Romanian quotes translated in English, inspiring Romanian sayings and common Romanian proverbs.

(my favorite is number 36 on the list).

Famous Romanian Proverbs & Romanian Sayings

Here’s some of the most famous Romanian proverbs as well as some common Romanian sayings. These are used often in day to day life.

  1. Mai bine să ierÈ›i pe cel vinovat, decât să pedepseÈ™ti pe cel nevinovat – Better forgive the guilty than to punish the innocent.
  1. Bine faci, bine găseÈ™ti – Do good and you will find good.
  1. Mâța blândă zgârie rău – The gentle cat scratches the worst.
Famous Romanian proverb which reads 'the gentle cat scratches the worst'.
  1. Cine aleargă după doi iepuri, nu prinde niciunul – He who chases two rabbits will catch neither of them.

This Romanian proverb teaches us to focus on one thing at a time. If we try to do too much at once we will likely fail at everything.

  1. Nu are rost lucrurile de mâna a doua, dar nici nu este nevoie să pui totul la punct – There’s no need to put things straight away but it also doesn’t make sense to leave them as they are.

This Romanian proverb is used when people want to do everything at once.

It teaches us that we don’t need to be in a rush but we also shouldn’t procrastinate too much either.

  1. FereÈ™te-te de câinele mut È™i de omul tăcut – Beware of silent dogs and silent people.
  1. Pe cine nu-l apasă nici o grijă nu e bolnav de nimic – He who has not a care in the world isn’t ill at all.

This Romanian proverb tells us that people who don’t have worries are healthy and happy.

  1. Oameni buni, nu vorbiÈ›i prostii – Good people don’t talk nonsense.

This Romanian saying teaches us to be careful with what we say as if we say things that are dishonest or not sensible then it may change people’s view of us.

  1. Adevărul nu se teme de judecată – Truth is not afraid of judgement.
  1. ​​Când râde prostul, înÈ›eleptul suspină – When the fool laughs, the wise sighs.
  1. Fă-te frate cu dracul până treci puntea – One may become the devil’s brother in order to cross the bridge.
Famous Romanian proverb which reads 'one may become the devil's brother in order to cross the bridge'.
  1. Oala acoperită nu dă în foc – A danger foreseen is half avoided.
  1. Aruncă binele în stânga È™i în dreapta, È™i la nevoie o să-l găseÈ™ti – Throw the good to your left and right, and you’ll find it when you need it.

This Romanian proverb about friendship teaches us to do good things for others as this usually leads to good things happening to us too.

  1. ​​Scaunul pe care stai sa nu fie niciodată mai înalt decât teancul de cărÈ›i pe care le-ai citit – The chair you’re sitting on should never be higher than the stack of books that you have read.
  1. Adevărul se spune glumind – Many a true word is spoken in jest.

This Romanian proverb indicates that there is always some truth to every joke. 

  1. Calul bun se vinde ̨n grajd РThe good horse is sold even in a stable.

This Romanian quote means that a good product sells itself and doesn’t need advertising.

  1. Haina face pe om – Fine feathers make fine birds.
  1. Nu iese fum fără foc – There is no smoke without fire.

This Romanian saying means that there is always some truth to rumors. 

  1. ÃŽntâi gândeÈ™te, apoi porneÈ™te – Look before you leap.
  1. Nu vinde pielea ursului din pădure – Don’t sell the skin until you have caught the bear.

This proverb is similar to the English version ‘don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched’.

It means that you should not anticipate success before it’s certain.

  1. Paza bună trece primejdia rea – Caution is the parent of safety.
  1. Răbdarea e mama înÈ›elepciunii – Everything comes in time to those who can wait.

This Romanian proverb teaches us the value of patience. 

Famous Romanian saying which reads 'everything comes in time to those who can wait'.
  1. Spune-mi cu cine te-nsoÈ›eÈ™ti, ca să-È›i spun cine eÈ™ti – A man is known by the company he keeps.

This Romanian quote about friendship teaches us that you can tell a lot about a person by the people they hang out with.

  1. Vorba e de argint, tăcerea e de aur – Speech is silver, silence is golden.
  1. Bate fierul cât e cald – Strike the iron while it’s hot. 

This Romanian quote means that you should do something immediately whilst there is still a good chance to do it. 

  1. După ploie, vine soare – After rain comes sunshine.
  1. Păcatul mărturisit e pe jumătate iertat – A fault confessed is half redressed.

This Romanian proverb teaches us to admit when we are wrong. 

  1. Cine sapă groapa altuia, cade singur în ea – He who digs a pit for others will fall into it himself.

Beautiful Romanian Quotes & More Romanian Proverbs 

Below I’ve listed a range of famous and inspirational Romanian quotes translated in English and more thought-provoking Romanian proverbs.

  1. Nu contează cât de încet mergi, atâta timp cât nu te opreÈ™ti – It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
  1. Fi schimbarea pe care vrei să o vezi în lume – Be the change you want to see in the world.
Famous Romanian quote which reads 'be the change you want to see in the world'.
  1. Mintea omenească poate realiza orice obiectiv pe care îl poate concepe ÅŸi în care crede – Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
  1. Niciodată nu vei trece oceanul până când nu vei avea curajul să pierzi din vedere malul – You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  1. ViaÈ›a nu merită trăită, dacă e trăită în genunchi în faÈ›a altora – Life is not worth living if it is lived kneeling in front of others.
  1. Nu există scurtături pentru a ajunge în locurile frumoase – There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
  1. Prietenii mei nu sunt mulÈ›i, dar sunt nenumăraÈ›i – My friends are not many, but they are countless.
  1. Fericirea nu este ceva gata făcut. Ea vine din faptele tale – Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.
  1. Nu eÅŸti învins decât dacă refuzi lupta – You are defeated only if you refuse the battle.
  1. Generozitatea este virtutea celor tari – Generosity is the virtue of the strong.
  1. Dragostea n-o poÈ›i cumpăra cu toate bogățiile pământului, dar o poÈ›i avea cu un simplu surâs – Love can not be bought with all the riches of the earth, but you can have it with a simple smile.
  1. ViaÈ›a noastră oscilează între două contradicÈ›ii: datoria de a spune adevărul È™i necesitatea de a-l ascunde – Our life oscillates between two contradictions: the duty to tell the truth and the need to conceal it.
  1. ViaÈ›a fără dragoste, an fără vară – Life without love, year without summer.

This Romanian quote about love means that a life without love is like a year without summer. It would be such a shame to never feel love. 

Famous Romanian quote which reads 'life without love, year without summer'.
  1. Exemplele rele strică moravurile bune – Bad role models corrupt good manners.
  1. Joaca rupe coaja – Too much of a good thing is good for nothing.
  1. Doi ochi văd mai bine decât unul – Two eyes see better than one.

This Romanian quote teaches the value of teamwork. It’s much easier to complete a task by working together.

  1. Nu e trandafir fără spini – There’s no rose without a thorn.

This Romanian quote means that in order to enjoy something that is beautiful and pleasurable, you must endure something that is difficult or painful.

  1. ​​Omul cât trăieÈ™te învață – Live and learn.
  1. Vorba dulce mult aduce – Good words cost nothing and are worth a lot.
  1. Nu încap două săbii într-o teacă – When two people ride on a horse, one must sit behind.
  1. Lauda de sine nu miroase-a bine – Self-praise is no recommendation.

This Romanian quote teaches us not to boast too much.

  1. Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poÈ›i face azi – Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
  1. Vorba multă sărăcia omului – Many words will not fill a bushel.

This Romanian quote is similar to the English version ‘actions speak louder than words’. 

  1. ÃŽnceputul e anevoie, urma vine de la sine – A good beginning makes a good ending.
  1. Sătulul nu crede flămândului – A full stomach does not know what hunger is.

This Romanian saying means that rich people do not understand what it is like to be poor.

Famous Romanian quote which reads 'a full stomach does not know what hunger is'.
  1. Ai carte, ai parte – Knowledge is power.

Best Romanian Idioms & Romanian Expressions

Below I’ve listed the most well-known Romanian idioms and expressions. Many of these have hidden meanings. 

  1. Să știi ca pe tatăl nostru

This Romanian idiom literally means ‘to know like the Lord’s prayer’. 

It is actually used to say that you know something by heart as in Romania every child usually learns the Lord’s Prayer when they are young.

  1. Nu ațâța foc peste foc

This idiom literally means ‘don’t add fuel to the fire’. It means that you shouldn’t do or say anything that makes a bad situation even worse.

  1. A băga mâna în foc pentru cineva

This Romanian saying literally means ‘to put your hand in fire for somebody’.

It is used to say that you have vouched for someone. 

  1. I-a sărit muștarul

This idiom literally means ‘his mustard jumped off’.

This is actually used to describe when somebody suddenly loses their temper.

  1. La Paștele cailor

This Romanian idiom literally means ‘at horse’s Easter’. 

It actually means that something will never happen or is very unrealistic. Its use is similar to the English phrase ‘when pig’s fly’. 

Famous Romanian idiom which reads 'at horses's Easter'. It means 'that will never happen'.
  1. A vinde gogoși

This idiom literally means ‘to sell donuts’. This phrase is used to say that someone is lying to you. 

  1. A-ți lua inima în dinți

This Romanian idiom literally means ‘to take your heart in your teeth’.

It actually means that you’re brave or daring enough to do something.

  1. A-ți pica fisa

This Romanian saying literally means ‘to drop your coin’ however it is actually used to mean that you suddenly understood something.

It is commonly used when someone has figured out something important. 

  1. A freca menta

This idiom literally means ‘to rub the mint’. It is a way of saying that you are wasting your time.

Check out the videos below which feature a range of famous Romanian quotes and well-known Romanian sayings & proverbs.

Thanks for reading this post on the best Romanian quotes about life, famous Romanian sayings and fascinating Romanian proverbs.

What was your favourite quote in the Romanian language?

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